MSMBuilder Workshop: An Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Analysis with Markov State Models

Simbios, in collaboration with the Chemistry Department at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, will be offering a one-day workshop on analyzing molecular dynamics simulations.

This mini-workshop is targeted at researchers who want to learn how to model protein dynamics using Markov State Models (MSMs) constructed from molecular dynamics simulations with the MSMBuilder software.

During the workshop, a general introduction to MSMs and their applications to protein folding and other conformational changes of biological macromolecules will be followed by a hands-on tutorial. The workshop will be jointly run by Prof. Vijay Pande and Dr. Greg Bowman from Stanford University, and Prof. Xuhui Huang and Dr. Daniel Silva from HKUST.

Workshop Logistics

   WHEN: 9am to 5pm, January 18, 2011 - See agenda for full details.

   WHERE: Computer Barn A (Room 4402), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

   COST: Free to attend

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. If you would like to learn about future workshops, email us at

Preparing for the Workshops

For the workshop, attendees are expected to have downloaded the software onto their own laptops ahead of time. Detailed instructions will be sent to confirmed attendees.

[1] GR Bowman, X Huang, and VS Pande, "Using generalized ensemble simulations and Markov state models to identify conformational states," Methods, 49(2):197-201.