
Martin Stumpe

I am a Distinguished Simbios Postdoc working with Vijay Pande in the Department of Chemistry at Stanford University. My research focusses on chaperone-assissted protein folding, and particularly on the role of solvent conditions in the chaperone for folding.

Before coming to Stanford and joining Simbios, I worked as a Postdoc with Helmut Grubmüller in the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Department at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany, where I investigated the molecular basis for urea-induced protein denaturation. This topic was also the subject of my PhD thesis, which I finished in 2007 to obtain the Dr. rer. nat. in Biophysics. I did my graduate studies at the University of Münster, Germany, where I obtained my Diploma in Physics in 2003.

For further information, please visit my website or feel free to contact me via email.